Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading System
Students may elect to take courses under the satisfactory/unsatisfactory (pass/fail) grading system in several MU colleges and schools. Before electing to take a course on a pass/fail basis, the student should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the S/U grading system. Students may change to or from the S/U status only through the last day to drop a course without a grade for 16-week classes in the fall or spring semesters, or the equivalent thereof in a partial term session.
In general, the instructor of a course does not know which students, if any, are enrolled on the S/U system, and a grade of A-/+, B-/+, C-/+, D-/+ or F for each student is reported to the Office of the University Registrar. The Office of the University Registrar staff members ascertain which students are enrolled on the S/U system and assign a grade of U to those reported for grades of D-/+ or F, and a grade of S for those reported A-/+, B-/+ or C-/+. Grades of S and U are not included in the computing of grade point averages.
Enrollment in courses under the S/U system is subject to the following restrictions by the University faculty:
- Students cannot change from one grading system to the other after the last day to drop a course without a grade for 16-week classes in the fall or spring semesters, or the equivalent thereof in a partial term session.
- Students cannot elect to enroll in more than one course on an S/U basis in a given semester. This excludes courses taught only with the S/U grading system.
- First-semester freshmen and students on scholastic probation are not eligible to enroll in courses on an S/U system. This excludes courses taught only with the S/U grading system.
- A+/-, B+/-, and C+/- grades are recorded on the transcript as an S. S grades are not included in the semester or cumulative grade point average on the transcript. Full credit is earned for courses completed with a grade of S.
- D+/- and F grades are recorded on the transcript as a U. U grades are not included in the semester or cumulative grade point average on the transcript and no academic credit is awarded for courses completed with a grade of U.
- Courses completed with a grade of S may be accepted in an area of concentration only with the prior approval of the area adviser. Courses completed with a grade of S may constitute no more than 20 percent of the total credits for the baccalaureate degree.
- Taking S/U courses may affect eligibility for Latin or other graduation honors for undergraduate students. Contact the academic advising unit for information.
- Some specified courses may not be taken on S/U basis to meet graduation or degree program requirements. Contact the academic advising unit for S/U approval.
Selecting Grading Options (S/U vs. A through F)
A student who chooses to change his or her grading option must do so no later the last day to drop a course without a grade for 16-week classes in the fall or spring semesters, or the equivalent thereof in a partial term session. Check the academic calendar for specific dates.
For information on the deadline for changing the grading option on self-paced classes, please visit the Office of the University Registrar’s website.
Policy Source: Faculty Handbook