April 30, 2021
This report reflects work from November 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021.
- IMS Global membership. With assistance from AACRAO and UM’s Office of eLearning, MU was able to secure a two-year membership with IMS Global Learning Consortium. IMS offers technical resources that will help MU build and develop a prototype CLR, which is a key next step in the work and to creating additional buy-in across the institution.
- Continued work with Study Abroad. Leadership within the Study Abroad office have been working collaboratively with members of the CLR core team to create learning outcomes and assessment strategies to measure the learning outcomes. Study Abroad plans to conduct a pilot this summer with several faculty led study abroad programs to test the measurability of their learning outcomes.
- Learning Assessment Development Plan. During the course of the collaboration with Study Abroad, six distinct training modules were developed, starting with a diagnosis of the current status of the unit regarding foundational documents (e.g., mission, vision, values), and ending with the development of a plan to assess learning outcomes. This process is represented in the figure below. This was shared with the Vice Provost’s for Undergraduate Studies’ leadership team in March. Throughout the course of the spring and summer, all offices within Undergraduate Studies will work with members of the CLR core team to develop learning outcomes and assessment strategies.
The development of this plan is important for two key reasons. First, this has the potential to become the process used campus wide to build out learning objectives and assessment plans in co-curricular areas, creating consistent practices. Secondly, this plan was designed to naturally align with the CLR Learning Framework, making it easier to incorporate students’ co-curricular learning with the CLR. - IMS CLR Specifications. The project team has been working to understand and implement the IMS Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) Standard which was designed to create, transmit, and render an individual’s set of achievements, as issued by multiple learning providers, in a machine-readable format that can be curated into verifiable digital records of achievement. The team recently met with representatives from IMS Global to gain a better understanding of the standards, data dictionary, and logical data model. Next the team will be working to publish our learning framework in accordance with these standards and begin mapping Mizzou specific data to meet the standard specifications.
- CLR Prototype. The project team has been working with the core team to gather and document requirements for a CLR prototype. This involved creating a mechanism for gathering information from various stakeholders and documenting it in a way that will be informative as we develop our prototype. The team has reviewed examples of published CLR’s from other institutions as part of this process and will begin wire-framing a prototype to test with students soon.
- AACRAO’s CLR Showcase. In March, the MU CLR core team attended and presented at the Comprehensive Learner Record Showcase, sponsored by AACRAO. This valuable experience allowed MU’s team to present their work to date and get feedback, as well as hear more details about how other institutions are building and implementing their CLRs.
Upcoming work (now through Fall Semester 2021):
Work will continue and be completed on the projects defined above in #3-#5.
December 15, 2020
This report reflects work from June 6, 2020 through December 15, 2020.
NOTE: While remote working due to COVID-19 has not stalled this work, it has impacted not only the core team’s ability to make substantial progress, but also the current priorities of those engaged with the work. Effort will continue with the CLR project, but at a reduced pace until further notice.
- Final report for the current Lumina grant. As noted in other updates, the CLR Core Team had the opportunity to participate in a Lumina Foundation Grant. The final report was submitted on November 16 and reflected the body of work completed by the full CLR team. The report can be found here. Within the report, there are two reflection pieces: Barriers and Challenges. Those two sections are below.
- Environmental scans. Two projects were undertaken to determine the interest level in developing a CLR at MU. Interviews were conducted with key stakeholders across campus, as well as a survey to student users of Engage (formerly OrgSync). Both projects indicated there was a high level of interest at MU and provided valuable information about how a CLR should be developed at MU and who should be involved in the work.
- Governance structure. Once the green light was given by leadership, a campus-wide governance structure was formed. Leaders were identified that needed to be actively engaged sponsors given their positions (i.e., Undergraduate Studies, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management, Information Technology and Graduate Studies). An advisory committee was also created with representation from key stakeholder areas (i.e., faculty, MU Libraries, Undergraduate Research, Athletics, Extension, Information Technology – Student Support, Online/eLearning, Student Affairs, Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, Career Services, Teaching for Learning Center).
- Developing a work plan. The work of this project was broken into four distinctive projects: learning framework development, learning assessment, policies and processes and data integrations. Each project had a charter, co-leaders, a work team, goals, and a timeline.
- Integration of Campus Learning Frameworks. A team of students, faculty, and staff conducted an extensive crosswalk across various Mizzou frameworks and national frameworks to create a CLR learning framework. As a result, the final CLR learning framework encompasses already existing Mizzou frameworks as well as national standards, thus eliminating the concern that existing frameworks would need to be eliminated.
- Academic and Co-Curricular Pilots. After developing the framework and integration model, we conducted pilots to test the usability of the framework, the ability to capture the necessary data elements, and pulling the data from the systems used (i.e., Canvas and Engage).
- Aligned with strategic plan. The work of the CLR has been tied to MU’s Strategic Plan. Specifically, the CLR initiative supports the MU strategic goals to increase student retention, graduation rates, and career outcomes.
- Key collaborations. We are sustaining and building relationships with areas on campus that are keenly interested in the CLR. To them, the CLR is the hub where so much information about student involvement can be collected, reflected on, and evaluated in total rather than in specific silos. These relationships include, but are not limited to MU Libraries, eLearning, the Center for Teaching for Learning, the Center for Academic Success and Excellence, Extension, the Career Center, Campus Writing, Study Abroad, and Undergraduate Research.
Challenges and Lessons Learned
- MU’s Strategic Plan. Although there has been interest in creating a CLR at MU for several years and senior leaders have spoken publicly about the value this could bring to our students, funding beyond current systems and positions that could contribute to the development of the CLR has not been procured. Additionally, strategic initiatives tied to MU’s strategic plan must be directly tied to student success (i.e., retention and graduation); evidence needs to exist that a CLR will impact these metrics. This is and continues to be the primary challenge.
- There has been an interest in the CLR from many parts of the campus for some time. Efforts were made to pull as many of these as possible into the larger project in order to build collaborations and support. Ultimately over twenty offices, units or groups were included, which contributed to a very broad and far-reaching scope. Ultimately, the core team decided to place focus on offices involved with high impact practices, potentially frustrating offices or units anxious for the implementation of a CLR. Additionally, not having the resources to move quickly on a campus wide CLR can contribute to other offices creating their own micro version of a CLR.
- Technology and Software. The core team recognized early that MU uses multiple systems to record student achievements, work, activities, et cetera. This is just a part of the complexity of a large campus with many different needs. But we continue to uncover new platforms or potential platforms that will need to be a part of the CLR. This just adds to the complexity. On top of this, a viable comprehensive CLR platform is lacking. We reviewed several vended solutions, but what was offered would force us to compromise to such an extent that the spirit of what we were trying to get to would be lost. The other option is to build a CLR and MU currently does not have the resources to build this.
- COVID-19. Finally, there is likely no institution not impacted by COVID-19, so MU knows it is not alone in needing to manage the impact the pandemic is having across the sector. But this cannot be minimized. While some members of the core team were able to work with offices involved with high impact practices, most of the core team were completely consumed with managing necessary and rapid changes to keep baseline University services and systems running while working remotely.
- High Impact Practices Focus.The core team has grappled with what should be a part of the CLR, especially in the beginning. We opted to place focus on working with offices involved with high impact practices since HIPs contribute to student retention and graduation.
- Study Abroad learning objectives/alignment with MU’s CLR. Miguel Ayllon, Director, Study Abroad has expressed interest in working with the CLR team so that students participating in Study Abroad can record their experiences in a way that demonstrates their Study Abroad currently does not have learning objectives or ways to measure students’ learning. Ashli Grabau and Julie Brandt have been working with leadership within Study Abroad to create these.
- Presentation to Writing Intensive Advisory Board. Ashli Grabau and Julie Brandt presented to this board on November 5, 2020. Background information was provided about MU’s CLR which included a discussion about the CLR framework.
- Undergraduate Research. Preliminary discussions have started with leadership within The Office of Undergraduate Research. They need a way to track student attendance and participation in various workshops and events, to allow students to self-report research they are conducting or collaborating on research, and to eventually create a pathway for undergraduate research. The next steps will be to develop a definition of undergraduate research for MU and generate comprehensive learning outcomes for undergraduate research.
- ePortfolios. Dr. Danna Wren, Senior Director of Academic Learning within the Office of eLearning, is developing a proposal to pilot Portfolium within eLearning. Portfolium can handle ePortfolios (considered a high impact practice), gather student reflections on learning, and many of the badging/CLR pathways (both automated and non-automated).
There has been mutual interest expressed by the MU Libraries’ curriculum committee and the CLR team specifically about having the library literacy courses tracked within a CLR. The earliest the pilot could start is spring semester 2021. The library staff believe they could create different courses/modules by spring 2021 that add up to a badge and that there could be different pathways to get to that badge, not just a particular set of courses. The specific group of students that will participate in the pilot are students participating in the Center for Academic Success and Excellence (CASE). CASE’s mission is to support “the education achievement of underserved as well as underrepresented minority students through individualized attention and cohort-based programming”. CASE’s newly appointed Director, Dr. Andre Thorn, had experience at his previous institution with learner records and the impact of multiple high impact practices on student success and is thrilled to be working with the CLR team.
- Meeting with CLR sponsors.
- The CLR Core Project Team met with the project sponsors to provide an update on the final report submitted as part of the Lumina Grant. Guidance on next steps was also sought. The Sponsors supported the Core Project Teams efforts to pursue external funding for a membership with IMS Global. The CLR Core Project Team is to put together an estimate of necessary resources needed to move forward with work on the IMS CLR Builder. The group also discussed the value proposition of having a CLR at Mizzou. Not only would it benefit students, but it could also allow the institution to conduct greater comprehensive evaluations of programming by using student outcome data. The CLR Core Project Team will continue to provide updates to the project sponsors as the project enters the next phase.
Upcoming Work (December 15, 2020 – Summer 2021)
- Information Literacy/CASE/UM eLearning. The work discussed above will continue.
- IMS CLR Builder. The CLR core team is working with IMS Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) specification version 1.0. The IMS Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) specification has been designed to create, transmit, and render an individual’s set of achievements, as issued by multiple learning providers, in a machine-readable format that can be curated into verifiable digital records of achievement. The specifications include an information model consisting of a data dictionary and logical data model. In order to better understand the information model and how Mizzou’s data will align with the specifications the team began using the CLR Builder, an IMS web application for creating prototype CLR’s from Profiles, Achievements and Assertions. We are currently using data from initial pilots to map Mizzou specific data from various platforms to the IMS specifications with this tool.
- Lumina Foundation. The University of Missouri is requesting funding to cover a year’s membership to IMS Global. There are many benefits that Mizzou could reap from the membership (e.g., access to All Workgroup and Technical Resources including the CLR Technical Project Group, access to the CLR specification repository, member only communications). These technical resources would help us build and develop our prototype CLR, which is a key next step in our work and to creating additional buy-in across the institution.
June 5, 2020
This report reflects work from March 17, 2020 through June 5, 2020.
NOTE: While remote working due to COVID-19 has not stalled this work, it has impacted not only the core team’s ability to make substantial progress, but also the current priorities of those engaged with the work. Effort will continue with the CLR project, but at a reduced pace until further notice.
- Review of Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback and Intervention System, or AEFIS
- From the AEFIS website: “AEFIS is the web-based assessment management platform that facilitates the collection and application of real-time assessment data. The scalable platform enables the continuous quality improvement of curriculum and fosters personalized learning by engaging administrators, faculty, students, alumni and industry.”
- This is an end-to-end product that provides solutions for: curriculum mapping and outcomes alignment, outcomes assessment and evidence collection, outcomes transcript and competency portfolio (CLR), strategic planning and data collection, course and syllabus management, course evaluation and feedback, faculty activity and curriculum vitae, and accreditation reporting and self-study.
- The primary concern is that since this is an end-to-end solution, MU would need to purchase the entire package although we only are needing one component (outcomes transcript and competency portfolio; we already have systems that support the remaining components.
- We were unable to obtain cost estimates for the product. At any rate, given current budgetary constraints, purchasing new software would not be feasible. We have asked AEFIS to contact us in the spring of 2021.
- Discussion with other UM Universities and UM
- A preliminary discussion was held on May 14 with representatives from System, Extension, and the four UM universities.
- The goal of the meeting was to understand what each of the campuses are doing concerning badges, credentialing and CLRs. There is a range from badging in a single school/college to MU’s CLR effort.
- Future meetings will be scheduled to discuss potential synergies and shared technologies.
Upcoming Work (June and July 2020)
- Final report for the current Lumina grant. A final report is due to the Lumina Foundation by July 31, 2020.
- Potential implementations. In light of current events, the team is exploring alternative paths to CLR solutions and leveraging other efforts (e.g., IMS Global membership).
- Study Abroad learning objectives/alignment with MU’s CLR. Miguel Ayllon, Director,Study Abroad has expressed interest in working with the CLR team so that students participating in Study Abroad can record their experiences in a way that demonstrates learning.
- Study Abroad currently does not have learning objectives.
- Ashli Grabau and Julie Brandt will be working with leadership within Study Abroad to create these.
- Additionally, the plan is to ensure the Study Abroad learning objectives align with the CLR learning framework.
- Lumina Foundation grant preparation.
- The Lumina Foundation accepts letters of interest that propose projects that accelerate progress on Lumina’s overarching goal: by 2025, 60 percent of the population in the United States will hold a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential.
- The core team has started to work through the details of submitting the LOI. Lumina accepts these letters on a rolling basis, but to be considered for funding FY21, the letter would need to be submitted by September 1, 2020.
- A decision will need to be made about whether it would be prudent to pursue this for FY21 or FY22.
March 20, 2020
This report reflects work from February 9, 2020 through March 17, 2020.
- Vendor responses to the Request for Information (RFI) were reviewed by the Core Project Team.
- Co-curricular pilots were conducted with five student groups in Student Affairs and Campus Dining:
- Alternative Breaks team leaders for 2019-20
- Club Sports participants for 2019-20
- Involvement Ambassador consultation attendees
- Culinary Discovery Series attendees
- Campus Activities Programming Board members
- Co-curricular Pilot parameters and process:
- Co-curricular pilot experiences could be one-time or cumulative, ranged from 20 to several hundred students, and were identified based on the quality of their existing assessment plans and their use of Campus Lab’s Engage to track attendance and membership.
- Developed pilot-specific learning objectives that mapped to the CLR Learning Framework. The Framework was put into Engage via its Outcomes feature, which attaches outcome “tags” to experiences according to student group membership, particular positions (e.g. Vice President or Treasurer), or attendance at an event.
- This process took approximately 3-6 weeks per pilot, depending on the amount of Assessment staff support needed to draft learning objectives.
- Outcomes were assigned based on student exposure and applicable Bloom’s level of learning. Assessment of student learning was tailored to each activity, but generally consisted of pre/post-tests, follow-up surveys, and meeting artifacts.
- Together the co-curricular pilots addressed all six CLR framework domains. Participating students can view their Outcome progress via Engage’s Co-Curricular Transcript feature.
- Overall, outcome tracking is possible in Engage at a basic level. Once outcomes are developed and entered into Engage, tracking essentially takes care of itself as long as student attendance and membership are accurate.
- Issues discovered during Co-curricular pilot process:
- Most concerning, the platform’s API does not currently allow institutions to easily pull population-level Outcomes data; migrating that information at scale may therefore prove cumbersome or impossible.
- Assigning “levels” or “weights” to experiences with different degrees of Outcome exposure is possible in Engage, but introduces additional complexity and is difficult to enforce and scale up.
- Finally, if students’ learning is tied to membership in a group or a specific role within an organization, accurate display of Outcomes requires that students and staff frequently & accurately update Engage data as students transition between roles. Membership changes do not happen at a uniform time across student programs, and Engage record keeping is further complicated by staff and student turnover.
- Curricular pilot was conducted with Dr. Bethany Stone within Biological Sciences with her General Botany course.
- She mapped her course to MU’s CLR learning framework, in addition to MU’s Core Learning Objectives, and her Course Learning Goals.
- Through the mapping process via CourseTune, she identified Teamwork, Communication and Knowledge Integration & Creation as the primary domains that were covered in her course. She then identified course activities that purposefully developed skills within those domains.
- Dr. Stone’s goal was to create a low-management strategy for validating students’ achievements in those areas, that go beyond assigned grades.
- She created learning outcomes in her Canvas course for each of the CLR framework domains, and scored students on a scale of 0-5 for their achievement towards the CLR framework domains on three assignments using a rubric. Based on aggregate scores, Bethany was able to identify areas of strength as well as areas that need some or significantly more development in General Botany.
- Overall, CourseTune provided a manageable system to align and document course objectives and assignments with the CLR framework domains, as well as identify the primary domains covered by her course.
- Canvas also provided a mechanism to rate the students according to their progress in the three domain areas, however, more effort and time was needed to design and grade the students using the rubric.
- The Learning Assessment subcommittee finalized the form to be used to evaluate co-curricular content for the CLR.
- Additionally, a tentative decision was made to not create a curricular evaluation form but rather, develop a process whereby once a course is entered into CourseTune and aligns with any of the CLR domains, that would then feed to the CLR.
- Brenda Selman participated in an IMS Digital Credentials Summit, February 11-12 in Atlanta, GA.
Upcoming work (March and April 2020)
- A more detailed review of the submitted RFIs will be conducted to determine which specifications were addressed and which were not. The following specifications were specifically requested within the RFI:
- Inclusive of curricular and co-curricular
- Self-report/locker concept
- New considerations/ideas (we would type that in)
- Level of customization
- Organizes the record by framework (or option to)
- IMS certified
- Technology agnostic
- Ability to validate
- Potential to build/evolve with our needs/vision
- Learner sovereignty
- Alignment with our vision/goals/needs
- Key terms (write in)
- Integration with data warehouse (API capabilities)
- Investigate new Lumina Grant
- Begin writing the final report for the Lumina Grant, due July 31, 2020.
Jan. 31, 2020
This report reflects work from Dec. 14, 2019, to Jan. 31, 2020.
- MU’s CLR learning framework was approved by the Executive Sponsors.
- The Request for Information, created by the Integrations subcommittee, was issued and posted to the UM System’s public website by procurement Dec. 23, 2019. Responses to the RFI will provide the Core Project Team with information about what technology currently exists, if it meets the requirements MU has identified, and potential costs. Six vendors responded to the request.
- An evaluation form for co-curricular activities was drafted by the Learning Assessment subcommittee. This is the form that will be used to determine what co-curricular activities should be added to the CLR.
- FAQs concerning the CLR project and CLRs in general were posted to the CLR website.
Upcoming work (February 2020)
- Vendor responses to the RFI will be reviewed by the Core Project Team and the Integrations subcommittee.
- The Learning Assessment subcommittee will finalize a curricular form.
- The Core Project Team will begin working with select faculty and staff to develop pilots for spring semester 2020. The focus will be on two high impact practices: undergraduate research and capstone courses. These pilots will allow for testing the following:
- The usability of the review form used to determine if an activity, exercise, etc. should become a part of the CLR.
- Set up and entry/export of data into/from Canvas.
- Ability to appropriately record and demonstrate, on behalf of the student, highly rigorous expectations.
- Begin developing templates for types of entries into the CLR (e.g., capstone template, undergraduate template).
- Testing the CLR Framework with undergraduate research and capstone courses.
- The data from the pilots conducted fall semester 2019 will be analyzed.
Dec. 13, 2019
This report reflects work from Nov. 13, 2019, to Dec. 13, 2019.
- The Request for Information (RFI) was finalized and sent to Heather Reed in Procurement for review. Some features the integrations subcommittee would like to explore are:
- Combining both curricular and co-curricular achievements, and eventually including MU Extension and continuing education unit learning artifacts (certifications, badges, etc.) along with campus work experiences
- Management and governance of activities captured by the CLR (institutionally verifiable)
- The ability to be customized by the student, i.e., show/hide features, expand and collapse, arrangement of order of display
- Long-term, portable access for the student which begins while the student is attending the university and expands until after they graduate and leave the institution
- Ability to organize and tag content by a learning framework
- Allowing users to reflect on learning and upload artifacts
- Ability to combine multiple sources of data into one output
- MU’s CLR Learning Framework was vetted with the Faculty Council Executive Committee, TRiO mentors, the Director of Campus Writing and MU Libraries Instruction Committee.
- An evaluation form for co-curricular activities was drafted by the Learning Assessment subcommittee. This is the form that will be used to determine what should be added to the CLR.
- The core lead team created a glossary of terms, which will be added to this website.
Upcoming work (December 2019 and January 2020)
- The RFI will be posted publicly online as well as sent to identified vendors by Heather Reed in Procurement.
- The Core Project Team will begin discussions about the next round of pilots. The plan is to focus on high impact practices. Additionally, the development of these pilots will enable MU to begin building MU’s CLR once a vendor(s) has been identified.
- Continue developing the assessment forms that will be used to determine what content should be added to the CLR. The focus during the upcoming months will be on curricular experiences. Faculty will be identified to assist with testing the form.
- The assessment form for co-curricular activities will be tested for usability.
- The core team will evaluate the current subcommittee structure and membership. Additional subcommittees might be formed if necessary.
- Key individuals who have been engaged with MU’s CLR effort will be interviewed by Patti Constantakis, President and Founder of PMA Consultants, who is working with the Lumina Foundation to develop stories about the work going on around the country with CLRs.
Nov. 13, 2019
This report reflects work from Oct. 1, 2019, to Nov. 8, 2019. Reports will be released monthly.

Mizzou’s Core Lead Team got a Twitter shout out from Tom Green, associate executive director of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. The group attended a conference in Dallas.
- The Core Lead Team (Brandt, Grabau, Kintner, Rubenstein, Selman and Wiebold) presented work to date at the CLR Showcase in Dallas, Texas, Oct. 7–8. The showcase was sponsored by AACRAO, NASPA and the Lumina Foundation through the CLR Grant.
- The general concept and MU Learning Framework were vetted with the MU Student Organization Presidents Council. Questions asked:
- Will the CLR capture what students have done or what they are developing?
- How is it different than the résumé?
- Can experiences be tracked in more than one of the areas of the learning framework?
- Can students submit experiences to include?
- How might experiences be weighted? Introduced? Learned? Demonstrating? Mastered?
- Will users be able to “hide” parts of their CLR?
- How will content be verified or validated?
- Is the CLR for students or employers?
- While some of these questions have been addressed, the full CLR committee is working through others.
- Ashli Grabau and Brenda Selman presented MU’s work at the Missouri Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) on Oct. 28.
- Began creating a request for information (RFI) for potential CLR vendors. The Core Lead Team is unaware of any vendors who can currently provide all the functional and technical needs MU wants. However, the RFI might help identify vendors who might be able to partner with MU.
- Metrics to test the effectiveness of the CLR pilots were identified. Some examples:
- Does the assessment method of the Student Affairs pilots measure the intended
learning? (Validity) - Can the CLR learning be validated in Canvas?
- Number of consultation hours and number of Engage training hours.
- Does the assessment method of the Student Affairs pilots measure the intended
- Members of the Core Lead Team presented the concept of the CLR to the Advising Forum,
October 10.
Upcoming work (November 2019):
- Begin developing the assessment form that will be used to determine what content should be added to the CLR. Two forms will be developed: one for co-curricular experiences and one for curricular content.
- Finalize draft of Request for Information by November 21. Core Lead Team will edit the draft, then send to Procurement (Heather Reed) for review. Plan to push to vendors early 2020.
- Evaluate current subcommittee structure; determine if changes need to be made with the current subcommittees and identified additional committees that need to be established.
- Continue vetting the framework. Plan to vet with Faculty Council Executive Committee, Nov. 6 and TRiO groups Nov. 12.
Oct. 1, 2019
This report reflects work from June 25, 2019, to Oct. 1, 2019. Reports will be released monthly.
- Using several Mizzou frameworks (e.g., Mizzou’s core learning objectives, Student Affairs Columns of Student Learning and Development) and national frameworks (e.g., NACE competencies, Degree Qualifications Profile), a CLR learning framework was created. It currently has six areas: Leadership and Teamwork; Communication; Cultural and Global Fluency and Engagement, Personal Development, Career Development and Knowledge Integration and Creation).
- Pilots started. These will be used to test proof of concepts (learning framework and learning validation) and technology compatibility.
- To test how well Engage can track and validate Learning Outcomes, 5 Student Affairs organizations will participate in an overall pilot:
- Fall Mizzou Alternative Breaks participants
- Club Sports participants
- CAPB (programming board) leaders
- Culinary Discovery Series participants
- Involvement Ambassador Consultation participants
- To test the Pathways functionality of Engage, two pilots have been identified:
- Fraternity and Sorority Life
- Citizenship@Mizzou
- To test the learning framework within a curricular setting, Dr. Bethany Stone, Teaching Professor in the Division of Biological Sciences has developed a pilot in her General Botany course.
- To test how well Engage can track and validate Learning Outcomes, 5 Student Affairs organizations will participate in an overall pilot:
- Approximately forty policies and processes that will need to be developed have been identified and prioritized.
- A website has been created and launched and is now being regularly updated with new information as it is developed.
Objectives for October 2019
- Present work to date at the CLR Showcase in Dallas Oct. 7–8. The showcase is sponsored by AACRAO, NASPA and the Lumina Foundation through the CLR Grant.
- Begin vetting the CLR framework with key stakeholders, beginning with students.
- Draft processes for vetting CLR content for curricular and co-curricular experiences.
- Create a request for information from potential CLR vendors.