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CLR Frequently Asked Questions

Why is MU pursuing the development of the CLR?

The nature and expectation of the college experience has changed over the past few decades. The increased focus on career and salary calls into question the value of higher education and devalues the transformative experience of learning. It has become increasingly important for students to understand, reflect on, make meaning of, and value their holistic, inside- and outside-of-the-classroom learning experiences and to be able to articulate those to others (e.g., employers, professional and graduate schools, family).

What is a CLR?

A CLR captures students’ curricular and co-curricular learning experiences, assists them in identifying what skills, knowledge or abilities they have acquired and learned during their higher education career, assists in integrating learning across experiences, and empowers/enables their ability to communicate during and after their time as a student.

How is this different than a résumé?

While the content might be quite similar, the biggest difference between a résumé and a CLR is that the content of the CLR has been verified and validated by MU. And if designed well (like Mizzou’s!), the CLR can assist students and graduates with synthesizing learning experiences inside and outside of the classroom.

How will the CLR benefit students?

Based on comments from MU students, the traditional academic transcript is limiting. It does give any context for what was learned in the classroom and doesn’t provide information about co-curricular activities. The CLR does just this. Additionally, because information will be populated throughout students’ time at MU, students will not forget about those experiences.

Will this be a lot of upkeep work for students?

One of the design principles we are using is to not make it tedious or burdensome to use.

Are we assuming that co-curricular experiences are equal to curricular experiences?

No, rather the CLR enhances the traditional transcript and provides an opportunity for students to make connections across their curricular and co-curricular experiences. The CLR shows students how their classes and co-curricular experiences are integrative learning experiences.

What other institutions have a CLR?

Many institutions have a CLR. They are designed to meet the needs of the campus. Some examples are:

Elon University

Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

The University of Sheffield

The University of South Carolina

University of Central Oklahoma

What is the difference between a CLR and a co-curricular transcript?

A CLR contains both academic and co-curricular experiences whereas a co-curricular only contains co-curricular experiences/activities.

What is the difference between a CLR and an extended transcript?

When discussions first started about capturing not only curricular but also co-curricular experiences, the focus was on the co-curricular. So the thinking was that the traditional academic transcript would be extended in order to capture the co-curricular. But as the discussions continued and ideas developed, value was seen in capturing both and figuring out ways to integrate the curricular and co-curricular so that both help to enhance the other.

What is a learning framework and why do we need one?[i]

Learning frameworks are tools that specify learning outcomes or competencies that define, classify and recognize education at various levels. Learning frameworks provide a point of connection with which educational experiences and opportunities can align. Mapping our distinct learning experiences and outcomes to an identified learning framework serves as a translation tool for educational providers. Such an approach also allows for rolling up from individual demonstrations of learning across a wide ecosystem of educational experiences to the learning framework. Learning frameworks provide a means by which students can be aware of and translate to various audiences their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Why is the CLR organized by a learning framework?

The CLR is a not a listing of experiences like a résumé or transcript, but rather a record that demonstrates student learning across the collegiate experience.

Do I have to replace my existing learning framework or outcomes with the CLR framework?

Currently, Mizzou has several learning frameworks including Mizzou’s Core Learning Objectives, the Student Affairs Columns of Student Learning and Development, MU Grad Essentials, Athletics Mizzou Made and the Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of Business Professional EDGE program. The CLR learning framework will not replace these existing frameworks, but rather these frameworks will map to the CLR framework, allowing these areas to validate learning according to their program outcomes and goals. In addition, the committee that developed the CLR learning framework considered these existing Mizzou frameworks to ensure they were encompassed by the new CLR framework.

How was the CLR framework determined?

A cross-walk was completed mapping all current Mizzou learning frameworks (see above question for listing of current Mizzou frameworks) and national learning frameworks, including the NACE competencies, the AAC&U Essential Learning Outcomes, the Degree Qualifications Profile, and the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education framework, to determine areas of overlap. This provided the framework sub-committee context for understanding various frameworks, differences and similarities in terminology, and potential learning outcomes not addressed by Mizzou’s current frameworks. Next, the sub-committee sorted all the various outcomes from these frameworks into categories. With support from the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment coaching consultants, the committee narrowed down the draft framework into six categories of learning for the CLR. The framework encompasses both curricular and co-curricular learning.

Will the CLR replace the traditional academic transcript?

No. The traditional academic transcript will still exist.

What if a student does not have anything listed in one of the learning framework categories? Is that OK?

That is absolutely OK. While the framework will remain stable and input will align within the framework, students and graduates will be able to choose what they want to display and how they want it displayed.

Will the CLR be a developmental record or a final CLR?

Mizzou’s CLR will be considered developmental. It will allow current students to create a CLR based on their experiences to date which can be used when applying for internships, jobs, fellowships, etc. Students can also print out what they consider to be their “final” CLR once they graduate. But the cool thing about Mizzou’s CLR is that it will capture continuing educational efforts, namely through MU Extension.

Is the CLR a high-impact practice?

High-impact practices (HIP) are active learning practices that promote deep learning by promoting student engagement as measured by the National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE). While comprehensive learner records are not listed as an official HIP, they help students make connections among various educational experiences.

How can I get involved or share my ideas?

Please feel free to contact Chrissy Kintner, Assistant to the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, at

[i] Adapted from resources provided by the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment