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  • Conduct the work necessary to reach the subcommittee goal
  • Read key articles recommended by AACRAO that will assist with carrying out the subcommittee charge
  • Pull in additional subject matter experts as needed
  • Report to Advisory Committee on a regular basis
  • Maintain subcommittee progress information (e.g., minutes, reports, stakeholder analysis; communication plans)

Framework Subcommittee

Goal: Develop an overarching Mizzou student learning framework (will capture both curricular and co-curricular learning). This will serve as the foundation for the CLR. Note, existing Mizzou learning frameworks will map to the overarching framework.

Leads: Ashli Grabau and Matt Martens

Members: Linda Blockus, Tami Chievous, Kenna Cornelius, Amanda Nell, Laura Page, Sara Rubenstein, Bethany Stone, Julie Brandt, Jake Addington

Learning Assessment Subcommittee

Goal: Identify current ways Mizzou is currently gathering evidence of learning in both curricular and co-curricular learning. Identify gaps in evidence. Determine guidelines for demonstrating evidence of learning (e.g. clearly articulated learning outcomes, assessment method, and documentation of learning, etc.).

Leads: Ashli Grabau and Tori Mondelli

Members: Tina Balser, Emily Mahler, Tanys Nelson, Amanda Purchase Roberts, Sara Rubenstein, Kerri Urban, Danna Wren, Molly Frank, Jake Addington, Marjorie Dorimé-Williams, Donald Gilliam, other Badge Committee members as needed

Integrations Subcommittee

Goal: Identify current systems used to track student progress; establish a governance structure for system usage; create data load processes; define data sources; explore technology needs (platform); develop RFI, work collaboratively with other committees to build the CLR.

Leads: Jeremy Wiebold and Danna Wren

Members: Misty Haskamp, Larry Linneman, Jeff Elliott, Tanys Nelson, Kirk Keller, Terry Robb, Kyle Flinn, Colin Russell, platform owners (e.g., MU Connect, Engage, Canvas, etc.) as needed

Processes and Policies Subcommittee

Goal: Identify and design all processes that will be required to support and sustain a CLR along with the formation of Pathways (focus on pilot needed by Greek Life and Citizenship).

Leads: Sara Rubenstein and Julie Brandt

Members: Tina Balser, Kyle Flinn, Tanys Nelson, Jonathan Rummel, Jewel Coffman, Emily Charvat, Brenda Selman, Julia Parcell